Travel Tip: Don’t leave home without this

What’s that one thing (or two) that you ALWAYS pack on trips?

For me, it’s flip flops. Havianas, to be specific. They have saved my feet on more than one occasion, especially on business travel when my hooves start screaming after walking for miles in heels.
I *might* have a flip flop problem.

Based on this preliminary observation, I decided to commission a sound, scientifically based survey to find out what people always pack. Just kidding. I Facebook-messaged some of my road warrior friends and asked begged them to share their top travel essentials. Here are their must-haves:

JJ is a college friend, a hotshot at Apple and lives in Austin. She travels about one week out of each month and has quarterly work trips to Ireland and Asia (totally hate her, right?). She was cool even back when we were shotgunning cans of Beast (aka Milwaukee's Best) ... I mean … when we were going to church every night.

"Yoga pants and Nike Air sneakers. So I can take off my stupid big kid shoes and go for a walk at the end of the day -- or just fall asleep wearing my yoga pants. Oh, and after too many times forgetting -- I always bring a wine opener. But always in the checked bag! And I always, always take a hoodie. I think I might actually be a college student from the looks of my list."
No, JJ, if you were a college student, you wouldn't need a wine opener. Because we'd be at church, remember?

Maureen (Mo), a New York transplant who lives in Richmond, Va., has a crazy travel schedule – she spends half the month on the road as a business development manager for a major health organization. Mo has the quickest wit of anyone I know. Read her tips with a New York accent, and you’ll totally channel her.

"Burts Bees lip balm: I am fanatical about my buddy Burt ... specifically the ‘replenishing with pomegranate oil.’ I have one in my briefcase and purse. It keeps my lips from flaking, adds a nice bit of soft color so I don't have to pack lipgloss and I can put in my pocket. It’s less than four bucks so it doesn't matter if I lose it. Saline nasal spray: not sexy or glamorous, but man does it keep me from getting every bug on the plane!  I use after getting off each flight (in the ladies room, I have manners after all).  Two quick sprays in each nostril, a hearty blow in a tissue (again, I do this in the privacy of the bathroom stall) and any airborne nastiness is gone! I also use in the morning in hotels. A doctor friend who travels a ton recommended it.  I swear it helps!”

 My gal Michele works with Mo for the same organization in the same job traveling about the same amount. She and her husband, also a road warrior, live about an hour north of NYC. Oh, and fun yet random sidenote … they hot air balloon as a hobby.

“I always pack a candle!  Favorite scent, Chai Tea!  I find it’s one thing that I always have whether on the road or home. The scent is comforting and relaxing and makes me think of home.”

Patrick is a pilot for a major airline and is based in Atlanta. I know him from waaaay back when he was a pilot instructor in South Texas, I was a newspaper reporter and we both lived on South Padre Island.

"One thing I always pack?  When I was younger it used to be condoms, now it's Imodium. No kidding. It may be bad for you but so is [pooping] your pants.”

#Truth. Thank you, Pat.

Oh, and here’s a little bonus from him: “Never put your bag on the couch or bed. Whatever the hotel has (i.e.; bed bugs), your bag will get and you will bring that home. ALWAYS use the luggage rack. Also, never touch a hotel remote control. Use tissue between you and the remote. Statistically that has more germs than the toilet.”

And now I am totally skeeved out and itchy.

With that, I'll say adios. Feel free to add any of your own must-have travel items below in the comment section.

Thanks for reading, and, until next time, happy trails!



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