Travel Tip: Airbnb love

So, I am going to do a shameless free plug.

Airbnb. Have you heard of it? Used it?

I. love. it. For those of you who aren't members, go sign up. Now. And then come back here, K?

Basically, it's like VRBO (vacation rentals by owner) but with less of a commitment. Usually, VRBO rents by the week.

Airbnb is genius. It's one of those things you wish you would have come up with because it is so simple. It's a social site for owner's rentals. You can rent a room or an entire place. You can stay a day or ... however long the owner lets you stay.

And it's cheap! You can get an absolutely fabulous place for under $100 a night.

I know, you're wondering if the owners are crazy axe murderers. Well, here's the cool thing. Everyone is fully vetted ... not just the homeowner, but the people who stay there, too. And the only way you can write a review is if you've actually stayed there. So you have a level of comfort in knowing the reviews are legit and not written by the owners.

Oh, and FYI, you are reviewed as a guest by your hosts, so owners are protected from crazies. So you do need to be on your best behavior.

I've stayed at a homestead in Vermont with the most adorable couple.

And a sweet brownstone in Maine:

My favorite place so far was this summer when we stayed in a really cool poolhouse in Rio de Janeiro. The owner is now a Facebook friend.

I love the connections you make with people and everyone has been so hospitable -- and so willing to share their insider info so you can see a place as a local.

Anyway, that's my tip for this week. You're welcome.

If you have used Airbnb, please share your experience in the comments -- I always love to hear your feedback! Got a fave Airbnb spot? Do tell!

Until the next adventure ... Happy Trails!


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